It is better to burn out than fade away
Neil Young once said, “It is better to burn out than fade away,” this is the same sentence that was later found to be written in a suicide of Kurt Cobain, he was 27. There are a number of musicians and celebrities who died at the peak of their careers.
Here we bring you a list of artists who have died much before their time.
Elvis Presley – Elvis Presley was one of the greatest American Rock and Roll star, not to forget its first also. His throaty baritone and blatant sexuality redefined popular music. Elvis Presley was an object of such teen adulation that when teen girls used to see him, they used to scream and faint. He died at the age of 42; overdose of prescription drugs was the cause of his death.

John Lennon – John Lennon needs no introduction. He was the founding member of one the greatest and commercially successful bands of all times, The Beatles. He was quite vocal against Vietnam War. This also led to him writing ‘Give Peace a Chance’. On December 8, 1980, when he was returning to his New York apartment, he was shot in the back four times by Mark David Chapman. He was pronounced dead on arrival.
Bob Marley – Bob Marley was a Jamaican reggae singer, song writer and guitarist. Known for his distinct and attractive style of music, he achieved a lot of fame. He died at the age of 36. He died on May 11, 1981, due to a form of cancer.

Jimi Hendrix – From his flamboyant outfits to his left-handed guitar or the excess use of the amp, everything about Jimi Hendrix stuck out. In 1969, he was the lead artist in the famous music festival Woodstock. One year later he was found dead after overdosing on pills and drowning in his own vomit (asphyxiation).

Jim Morrison – Jim was a poet, a writer, a filmmaker and the lead singer of the rock band Doors. In his short music career span, he was always surrounded by controversy, mostly because of his acts, when he used to get out of control. He was constantly drugged and drunk. In 1971, he was found dead in his apartment in Paris where he had recently moved in. His cause of death was never known since no autopsy was done.

Kurt Cobain – The band Nirvana became an overnight success when it replaced Micheal Jackson of the number one slot in the Billboard slot, with their smash hit, ‘Smells like a Teen Spirit’. At a time when rock music was all about long hair and leather jackets, Nirvana was like a breath of fresh air. With their style of grunge rock music, they became quite popular. He died of a self-inflicted shotgun wound.

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Amy Winehouse – The irony is that Winehouse became popular because of her song ‘Rehab’, which had the wordings “They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said no, no, no.” She had a drug problem and was even admitted to a rehab. After a short stay, she checked herself out, in order to perform for her European tour. She was booed off stage because she was intoxicated and could not remember the lyrics of her famous song. She was found dead in her London home a few weeks later.
