The force awakens soon, Have you been getting any sleep?
Star Wars the force awakens is about to release in movie theatres, For the uninitiated it happens after the events of “Return of the Jedi”. The force in us isn’t strong enough to just lie in wait for this movie, so we have compiled a list of quotes that could “Help” you in situations, though not in ways you imagined.
1. Use on youngsters making jokes about your baldness, they will have a new reason to laugh.
2. When people show disbelief at the marks you got from cheating
3.Whenever anyone with man-tits starts talking of their sexual escapades
4. When someone asks if you will share this post
6. Pissing off your blind friend
Well, Sorry
The idle mind is the workshop of the Sith
The force awakens is going to release soon, On a scale of Yoda to C3PO, How excited are you?