Renowned for being India’s leading festival for filmmakers and cinephiles alike, the Jio MAMI 21st Mumbai Film Festival with Star held its...
Abraxas NU recently caught up with the lead cast of the epic love story Bajirao Mastani for a quick chat about...
They both posted photos with each other. It seems like Deepika would soon be making her debut in Hollywood, She posted a...
Has Imtiaz Ali and his films lost the youth connect? It is one of the few Bollywood films where the heroine isn’t...
The Style Evolution Of Deepika Padukone Starting her career with a remarkable debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in 2007 blew everybody’s...
Team Abraxas recently caught up with the stunning actress when she was in the Capital to promote her latest film, Piku....
Piku – a movie as sweet as its name What is Piku all about? Piku is about a modern-age father-daughter duo; it...
Deepika, Jacqueline and Katrina follow Sunny on the list In a recent survey, where over 20.3 lakh voters voted, Sunny Leone was...