A bearded man is a real man
During the last couple of decades, men were expected to be cleanly shaven. Women from my mother’s generation fell for clean shaved, well-groomed men since they considered them more serious about life. But the beard has made a comeback. And it is sexier than never before! I love bearded men. And I am sure many girls out there do as well.
Beards are magical: Every guy grows facial hair, but not everyone has the sexy beard. And every beard is exclusively different. It makes them look mysterious and charming. Dating a bearded man is fun. *wink* I got talking to a few girls who like bearded men or are dating one or have dated one and managed to compile reasons why dating a bearded man is a good idea.
They are sexier: Undoubtedly, most men look sexier than they actually look without a beard. The beard makes them look more rugged and manly. And who doesn’t want to be spotted with a ‘hot’ guy and make a few eyes turn?
They look sophisticated: The best thing about a man with a beard is they can pull off any look effortlessly, and look trendy at the same time. Bearded men look way more mature than they actually are. They look older than their age without looking haggard and weary at the same time. Now isn’t that cool?
They are trendy: Many of the bearded men I’ve seen have this epic look wearing rugged jeans, V-neck tees and often complimented by a man bun, tattoos and piercing too. Now isn’t that even sexier?
They are patient and caring: Growing a beard is not as easy as it looks. It requires a lot of patience and grooming. If a man is patient and caring towards his beard, there are chances that he is caring in general.
They look different all the time: A beard can be styled in several different ways. So every time you get to see him in a new fashionable look.
They are understanding: Maintaining a beard requires a lot of grooming and styling. If you are dating a man who is conscious about his looks and follows a beauty routine, there are chances that he will understand yours as well.
They scare away the bad guys: Bearded man gives an illusion of being more masculine and stronger (even if they are not in reality. But most are) and looks more intimidating and aggressive. In reality, he might be an actual softie, but someone who can protect you when the need arises.
They are more adventurous: Masculine men live a more active and adventurous life. And obviously, they love trying different things and are up for anything unusual.
They are more confident: Men with a beard are definitely more confident. It isn’t an easy task roaming around with a hanging garden on your face. They will make better boyfriends.
Other men respect him: A bearded man will emanate an aura of seriousness. Beards are also considered a sign of their prestige amongst men. No one messes with a bearded man.
Making out with someone with a beard is fun: Kissing a man with a beard tickles in a good way. Also, it reminds you that you are dating a man and not a kid. Brushing his beard or Snuggling your face in a beard can also be comforting and fun.
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