Ironman of India, Milind soman yes this is the name he has got after completing the Triathlon at the age of 50. Ironman Triathlon on July 19, which was held in Zurich, Switzerland.
Milind did it in 15 hours 19 minutes and 29 seconds. Milind was a model and an actor. The triathlon included 30.8 Km swimming 180.8 Km cycling and 42.2 Km running. The team comprises of seven Indians led by Dr. Radhkar, who won the title for seventh time.
It wasn’t easy for him as the weather was not always favourable. On Day 33, he did 3 hrs cycling, 30 min running and 20 pull ups.
Milind became Limca Book of Records holder after running 1,500 km in Greenathon, in 2012.
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