MLTR Ends Its ‘25 Live – The Anniversary Celebration’ Tour In Goa In 2015
As the sun set on a wintry December 19th, hundreds of Michael Learns To Rock fans thronged to the concert venue Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium at Bambolim in Goa for a glimpse of their favourite stars and to hear them belting out some of their most popular hits – Paint my Love, The Actor and Sleeping Child. If you were a fan of the Scandinavian band in the 90’s, in the pre-internet era, you would probably know of them when radio stations used to play their all-time hit singles non-stop!
According to MLTR’s frontman JaschaRitcher, the reception they receive in Asia, whenever they perform, is much more than their hometown in Denmark, where they lead quiet simple lives! He attributed the band’s success to radio stations across the globe which helped them reach out to their fans. A26, Goa’s popular band, built up the tempo before MLTR took centre stage at the concert which was an ode to 25 years celebration of playing live.
MLTR was formed in 1988 in Denmark and has sold more than 11 million records worldwide winning numerous awards along the way including the Gold Preis Award from RSH, Germany and ‘The Best Performing Act of the Year’ at the SEA Grammy Awards in Singapore. You could just feel the exhilaration at the event, as trio JaschaRitcher, KareWanscher and Mikkel Lentz transported you back to another time altogether. Thanking the crowds for their love, Jascha mentioned how the audience has changed compared to way back when they started out giving live performances. He said, at that time people did not have cell phones as compared to this generation where they can take pictures, videos and selfiesetc! One of the fans even got lucky, as her cell phone was taken by Mikkel, one of the band members, who took a close up of their performance and the band mates.
Amidst the milky way of cell phone lights, and wild screams by fans, one just wished MLTR could continue singing forever. Making a mark on Goan soil, the band indeed painted their love and took all the fans to their hearts with their heart rending performance!