7 Common Skin Care Mistakes
Using the same skincare products as in your teens:
- As teenagers, many girls were probably using a lot of products designed to fight teen acne. As you grow older, the texture of your skin changes and it needs extra care and protection. For instance, Adult acne cannot be treated with the same product you used as a teenager with all its harsh chemicals. Make sure you choose and use products suited to your skin type.
Washing face with soap:
- Soaps contain harsh chemicals and are not meant to be used for cleansing the face. The skin’s pH level is a major factor contributing to skin problems. We have to keep in mind that ordinary commercial soaps have pH levels between 9 and 11, which increases the skin pH level leading to problems. Soaps and cleansers shouldn’t be used frequently on the face as they can make the skin dry and irritable.
Touching your face often:
- Many of us have a habit of touching our face with dirty fingers or even plucking a pimple. Touching the face with hands introduces more oil, dirt and germs to our skin. Not only that, our hair care products can also get on our face which can block pores. Try and keep your hair away from your face when possible.
You are not drinking enough water:
- Not drinking enough water has a harsh effect on our skin leaving it dry. To prevent skin from drying out, drink at least 3-4 litres of water a day. It could be in the form of unsweetened water like green tea with lemon drops or flavoured water without sugar. Always stay hydrated even if you are not feeling thirsty.
Skipping sunscreen:
- Even if the weather is cloudy or during the winters, UV rays pass through clouds resulting in additional exposure to the rays but many people tend to skip using sunscreen. Protect your skin from the sun as it can cause tanning which will eventually lead to wrinkles and increase your risk of skin cancer. Sunburn can dry out pimples temporarily, but it can end up making you break out even more. Therefore us a sunscreen with high SPF of 30 or more for sun protection before stepping out.
Waxing your face:
- Waxing is a complete no. Sometimes you might notice breakouts when you wax your face. Waxing induce breakouts which might look like red bumps or whiteheads.
Sleeping with makeup on:
Not removing your makeup before going to bed leads to the clogging of open pores and oil glands during the course of the night. When makeup gets embedded in the pores, it makes them appear larger. Once your collagen levels decline, the pore won’t shrink and close back as easily. This also leads to inflammation.
Dr. Nivedita Dadu completed her MBBS Maulana Azad Medical College & Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi and later pursued her post-graduation and Senior Residency in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
She is skilled with the latest techniques in the field of dermatology and cosmetology and has a total experience of 10 years in treating all kinds of skin disorders.
She is the owner of Skinology Skin and Hair Clinic.