About the society
Founded in 2009, Galore has ever since progressed tremendously and is now notably one of the most prominent fashion societies in the college circuit. It comes up with a new thought-provoking theme every year, making sure to convey a message to its audience and interact with them through slogans, props and significant poses. In the past, they have done themes like Shades of Life and Death and have also been declared the best fashion society by Fever 104FM in the year 2013. In the past one year, they have won 16 titles. The new team (2014-2015) has already won five shows so far in the past three months.
Galore USP
Unlike many other colleges, this society, however involving various props, strictly adheres to the rules pertaining to a fashion show and does not include any sort of drama or dance in their performance. Their first priority is to make sure that every member has a perfect walk, posture and expressions. They are trained by Mr. Buvinder Jeet Singh, who is one of the noted fashion choreographers.
Theme 2014
Their theme, Save the Earth is a collection of various outfits, half of which portray pollution through grim and dark clothes, and the rest half of the wardrobe has bright colours, depicting greenery, water and a healthy environment. All props in this collection are made out of recyclable items by its own members, in an effort to show how innovatively daily items can be used. They also have many banners with various slogans such as ‘save water’, ‘go green’, ‘make the best out of waste’ and ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Their props include, a fallen branch, old CDs, leaves, used plastic wrappers, old newspapers, clothes, umbrella and ropes. They have carefully made sure that their collections involve all types of clothes ranging from jackets, trousers, heavy gowns and short dresses.
Future Plans
In the coming years, Galore aims to pick up social issues that have been left ignored and bring them to the attention of their audiences. They want to have an impact on their audience, so that through the medium of fashion, they can also do their bit to bring about a positive change. Their success lies in conveying a good message to as many people as possible. Through their hard work, and sincere efforts, they want to carry forward their legacy of quality performance, taking this society to glorious heights and success.
U S Kiranmai
Vice President &
Head of Creative Department
Surbhi Sareen
Mittali Puri
Tanisha Sharma
Aarushi Uttam
Shipra Yadav
Jahanvi Grover
Raashhika Thakran
Pratishtitha Baishya
Sanjeeta Lama
Mili Nanda
Vanshika Mendiratta
Namrata Nawani