Demeanor – the Fashion Society of Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC)
organises various events during the year.
Fashionista is the Flagship Event of Demeanor – where the entire day was devoted to Fashion.
There was a Speaker Session where popular collegiate fashion icons like
Aviral Gupta (Finalist of MTV Love School), Komal Narang (Fashion Blogger)
and Shraddha Gurung (Fashion Blogger and YouTuber/PopXO)
spoke to the audience.
the Dress Making Competition and the Photoshoot Competition
– which were all well attended.
The highlight of the day was the Mister and Miss Competition
– for the title of Mr. & Ms. Fashionista.
The eminent Judges for the Finale of Mr. & Ms. Fashionista were :
Hemant Sud (Renowned Fashion Photographer & Publisher of Abraxas NU)
Sachin Kushwaha (Fashion & Wedding Photographer)
Revti Sehdev (VLCC)
There were three rounds – Introduction round, Talent round & Q&A round.
The registered participants went through the preliminary rounds
– and finally were asked some interesting questions by the judges
– resulting some even more interesting answers
The final Winners declared were :
Ms. Fashionista : ANUSHKA TYAGI (Hindu College)
Mr. Fashionista : MAYANK SINGH (Delhi Institute of Rural Development)
Both the Winners as well as all the Participants got lovely hampers from
Dhruv Rathore (Marketing Head of Gone Mad Chocolates)
– the Gifting Partners of the event.
Kudos to Team Demeanor for a well organised event.