An Eventful Night
Established in 1973, one of the most premier business schools of India, Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon held their annual event ‘Akshayam’ on November 7th with much fervour and enthusiasm on the campus. Hundreds of students attended the annual function with great zeal. Various events and competitions were also organised during the occasion like music competitions, fashion shows, drama, dance and creativity competitions among others. Abraxas was the media partner for the event.
Out of all events, the Fashion Show was cheered the most by the students which was judged by Seema Dhawan, Executive Editor of Abraxas Lifestyle and Abraxas NU.
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology was adjudged the winner of the fashion show. IviAchumi and Nandita from Lady Hardinge Medical College were declared the best female models, respectively. Whereas Ishan from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology was the winner of Best Male Model crown.