Remembering Steve Jobs on his death anniversary.

Steve Jobs dreamt of changing the world, and changed he did. With the revolutionary products which Apple came out with, they changed the lives of many people. As a professional, Steve Jobs was a hard task-master. Many of his employees were so afraid of him that they would avoid getting into an elevator with him for he was known to fire people without any prior notice.
On his fourth death anniversary, we will tell you about a few facts of Steve Jobs.
Jobs did not prefer firing people once he had kids – After Jobs had kids, he confessed that it became difficult for him to fire people. He started taking it more personally. “When I look at people when this happens, I also look at them as a five-year-old kid. And I think that could be me coming home to tell my wife and kids that I just got laid off. Or that it would be one of my kids after 20 years. I never took it so personally.”
Never liked going to commencement speeches – Steve Jobs was a family man and after the day’s work he used to like coming back home and spend time with his family. The reasons why he gave the speech at Stanford was; firstly the university was close to his home and secondly he respected Stanford as it had a rich history in producing tech influencers.

Would back off if he faced resistance from those he respected – Jobs is not only known for his products, he was also known for his mercurial temper. He was not easiest to work with, but if the engineers he respected said something which he did not agree, he would back off.
His father was one his biggest inspirations – His attention to detail developed because of his father. Paul Jobs was a mechanic and a craftsman and on weekends he used to rebuilt cars on his workbench. When Steve was a kid, his father gave him a small workbench.
Job in an apple orchard – Before Steve Jobs became the founder of Apple, he used to work in an Apple orchard. This was the time when he used to work with Atari.