
How to take care of your shoes during monsoons

Things to remember while taking care of shoes during the rainy season

Maintaining your personal things during monsoons can be a huge headache. This thing particularly applies for shoes. They bear the brunt of the monsoon the most.  It is imperative that you take care of your shoes, and it becomes even more important to take care of them during the rainy season.

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Here are a few tips that you should remember in order to maintain the show.

Remove the mud from the shoe – Monsoon is the time when you really need to take care of your shoe. This has to be done especially against the mud.  The leather footwear needs extra care. The Damp Mud tends to stick to the shoe and in sometimes it dries up. This results in the mud forming a mass over the surface, which is really harmful to the shoe. If this happens then the best way to remove it is by brush.

Dry the shoes well: As soon as you come in from outside, don’t put your shoes right away. Put them under the ceiling fan till the time they dry. If you put the shoes right away then the sweat and the moisture will remain in the shoe, and will give off a terrible smell.

Polish your shoes:  This comes handy when you are wearing leather shoes.  After wiping off the dust, grime and mud from the shoe and after drying it properly, the best way to bring back the leather to life is by applying a coat of polish on it. And remember whenever you polish your shoes, always do it in a circular motion. The more you rub, the better it is for your shoe. Also buffing your shoe is a good idea in order to increase the life of the leather.


Store the shoes well:  It matters a lot where and how you are storing your shoes. If you are planning to store your shoes in a closet then it is important that you put some newspaper in it so that it doesn’t lose the shape. If you are planning to store the shoes in a shoe box then always put them first in a cloth bag and then store them in the shoe box.

Fungus care: There is a high possibility that the leather shoes can get fungus during the monsoons. The most common reason why shoes can have fungus is because of the moisture. If they are not dried and stored properly, there is a high possibility that they can have fungus. In order to remove it, you can use an old used toothbrush and some soap solution to clean to the fungus. After doing that make sure you dry them well. You can either keep them under the fan although; the best way to dry them is to keep them in direct sunlight.

Keep these tips I mind and protect your shoe during the monsoon season.

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