History of some of the most well-known shoes till date
Shoes have been around for many years. Some of the shoes we are going to talk about are fictional, yet they are famous. Be it the Blue Suede shoes, ruby slippers or the famous predator football shoes, all these shoes have always been immensely popular. We are going to have a look at the most iconic shoes of all times.
Ruby Slippers: These shoes were worn by Dorothy Gale, in the movie Wizard of Oz. There are only four surviving Ruby Slippers which were used during the shoot of the film. One pair of shoe is currently kept at the Smith Sonian Institute of Washington, the second shoe was bought by a collector and the third was bought by Leonardo Di Caprio and Steven Spielberg for The Academy. The fourth shoe was stolen from the Judy Garland museum in Minnesota. In the novel Dorothy had worn silver shoes, but in the film the producers decided to make her wear red shoes.
Blue Suede Shoes: One of the most famous songs of all time by Elvis, this song was originally written and performed by Carl Perkins. Elvis had performed the song on national television three times. Elvis even wore the shoes on the Steven Allan Show in 1956 as part of the audience skit. Presley owned only one pair of shoes, which was owned by roadie Joe Esposito and was later sold for 5$0,000 in December 2013.
Mary Janes: The shoes were launched in 1994 by Manolo Blahnik at her flagship store in London. For years, there was a limited edition which was released for some years. These shoes were one the most sought after shoes by many fashion divas of that time. The shoes were also featured in Sex and the City and termed as an urban shoe myth.
Converse: These shoes are the perfect shoes for the man who is on a move. The shoes were also featured in the popular sci-fi series, Dr Who. The shoes became even more popular once David Tennant wore them for the role of Doctor Who.
Addidas Predator Football shoe: One of the most famous and successful footballers of all times, David Beckham was known for his love for the Predator Football shoes. He signed a lifetime endorsement deal with Addidas for a record $99 million. He wore the same shoes in his final game in 2013. They were personalized and had the names of his children and the Union Flag.
Power-lacing shoes: Marti-McFly wore the shoes when he travelled to 2015 in Back to the Future II. As well as the self-lacing shoes, the future also had hoverboards. And now we are in 2015, and we still donot have hoverboards. It’s a shame. There were so many expectations from the future.
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