Many people like to wear leather shoes, the reason being that they are classy. Be it men or women, they always opt for leather shoes. Most of the leather shoes are expensive; hence it is important for the user to take care of them. Owning a pair of leather shoes not only means being classy; it also means that you should take good care of your shoes. People should always preserve their shoes and add life to them. Think of it as taking care of your investments.
Without proper care, your leather shoes will tend to dry-out and cracks can appear on the surface. Polishing shoes isn’t the only thing that you have to do to preserve your shoe. People tend to apply polish, as soon as they feel that their shoes have become old. If you really want to protect your shoes, then you should, clean and condition them regularly. They should also preserve them properly and weatherproof them.
Here we tell you the ways by which you can protect your shoes
Cleaning: While cleaning leather shoes is relatively easy although, there are people who tend to make mistakes while cleaning their shoes. When you have cleaned your shoe, let it dry for a few minutes. Once the shoe is dry, shine it with a soft cotton cloth.
Conditioning: Conditioning your leather shoe will help it to become soft and it will also help to moisturize the leather. Conditioning prevents the shoes from drying out and cracking up. Certain shoes that are worn in drier climate need to be conditioned frequently.
Shoe polish: Polishing the shoes is one the most common ways to take care of your shoes. The drawback of shoe polish is that it is usually messy and also the effect wards-off after sometime. Another problem which people face while polishing their shoes, is of colour mismatch. The colour variety is less when it comes to shoe polish. Always remember to apply the polish on a small area and to make sure that the colour is right. After applying the polish on the shoe, rub it with a soft cloth and allow it to dry thoroughly. After the polish is dried, you can shine your shoes by buffing them with cloth.
Weatherproofing: There are various ways by which you can do weatherproofing. If you don’t care how your shoe looks like, then beeswax is the best option to weatherproof your shoe, otherwise you can also use a spray.