From being called as a poor man’s vehicle to a fitness machine, the image of a cycle has changed vastly over the past few years. A number of international brands such as Trek, Fuji and Scott have started to sell their cycles in India. People now don’t mind paying for the quality, also they have realised the benefits of cycling.
Here we list a few benefits of cycling
Low-intensity workout: As cycling is a low-intensity workout, the strain put to the body compared to other exercises is less; hence the wear and tear of the body is also minimal.
A great way to control obesity: If a person is suffering from obesity or has weight issues, the best way to lose to combat it is by cycling, along with a proper meal plan. It not only increases the metabolic rate, but also burns body fat, especially on legs and waist.
A fun way to get around the city: One of the major reasons why cycling is gaining popularity is the fact that it is the best way to commute. You don’t get stuck in traffic, and can easily reach your destination. In fact, there is a high possibility that you will reach your destination faster than the person in a vehicle.
Cheap: Compared to vehicles, buying a cycle is much cheaper. Also, one does not have to pay for the fuel. Maintenance of a cycling is also cheap.
It is your gym: Cycling not only burns down large quantities of calories, but it also tones down the body. While cycling all the muscles; from leg to hands to back are in use, hence it doubles up as a gym too.
Keeps heart problems at bay: In case a person is suffering from high blood pressure or any kind of heart disease, then cycling is the best way to get in shape. Since it is not a very strenuous exercise, patients can get back to shape without exerting themselves. Cycling helps to strengthen heart muscles and since it is a cardio exercise, it also helps to lower the resting heart rate. The lesser the heart rate, the more fit a person is. Lesser heart rate signifies efficient heart.
Stress reliever: Cycling is a great way to relieve stress. It is a well-known fact that those people who ride regularly are happier than those who do not. This is because exercise helps to release endorphins, and also the joy of riding a cycle adds to it.