Yoga – Universal healer
June 21st will be the International Yoga Day; courtesy Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Almost all countries who are the members of the United Nations will be celebrating the first ever International Yoga Day. India will be leading from the front. A number of Yoga masters have gone from India to oversee the International Yoga Day celebrations. It is a proven fact that Yoga has benefitted to a lot of people who had major disorders.
As the day draws near, we are going to give you a few health benefits of doing yoga on a regular basis.
Increases Flexibility – The first thing which comes in our mind when we hear that someone practices yoga is the fact that they are flexible. The yoga asanas work on many joints in the body and some of these joints are those which are never really twisted or flexed.
Decreases the blood pressure – since it involves quite a lot of stretching and flexing, if a person is suffering from high blood pressure then yoga is the best exercise to bring it down. The higher the blood pressure, the bigger is the drop.
Complete Detoxification – Because we gently stretch and flex our body and massage our organs with the help of yoga, we get the optimum supply of oxygen through the body; which in turn helps to detoxify the body. It flushes out the toxins from every small area of the body.
Makes you happier – If you are stressed out and a bit sad, then yoga is the best thing to do. The only thing is that you will have to do it regularly. Doing yoga on a regular basis will increase your serotonin (happy hormones) levels to a good level and will decrease the level of monoamine (sad hormones).
Helps in focusing – If you are the one who has problems focusing, then yoga is meant for you. It improves the coordination of your limbs and brains and also the reaction time, memory and sometimes even the IQ scores. It helps your mind to focus better.
Fights insomnia – As Yoga relaxes you not just physically but also mentally, it is a great way to fight insomnia. It is one the best ways to get rid of insomnia. There are various asanas and postures, which help you to relax and in turn fight insomnia. It helps to circulate the blood throughout the body, which relaxes your body and most importantly, your mind.
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