As Indians in general, we consume more unhealthy food during the winter season, than any other seasons. We tend to pick up unhealthy eating habits. A large helping of butter chicken here and a helping of some paneer dish there; does a lot of harm. The fact that craving for food that is high on calories during the winter is something we should all look into carefully. We tend to pile up on food such as biscuits, hot-chocolate, various type pasta food and junk food during the winter season. Availability of such foods also adds to this winter behaviour.
Here we list a few healthy food habits during the winter season, which help us to stay in shape, provided we also do some physical exercises.
Healthy Drinks: During the winter season a lot of us tend to drink more coffee, which contains caffeine. Caffeine should be avoided during the winter season; instead one should have tea along with tulsi and ginger, as it helps fight the cold and also increases our immunity against the flu.
Eating the right breakfast:Breakfast generally consists of parathas, which is consumed with potatoes and butter. As it is the paratha consists of oil and add butter to it you are surely to gain weight. Instead of parathas we can have chapattis with vegetables for breakfast. They are both light and nutritional and at the same time filling.
Seasonal Foods: Another important aspect of eating healthy during the winter season is to have seasonal fruits. People tend to eat biscuits during the season, instead they should have peanuts. Citrus fruits such as orange and Pomelo (Chakotra) are easily available and should be consumed, as they prevent weight gain. One should also consume dry fruits as they help in controlling weight and blood pressure.
Have a lot of vegetables: Vegetables always help; hence it is important to include vegetables in your diet. Dinner should be light; vegetable salads and soup are perfect for dinner. It is advisable to have dinner two-three hours before going to sleep, since it helps in digestion of the food more efficiently.