Frequent use of mobile phones can have an adverse effect not just on health, but also on the society.
Cell phones have changed the way we communicate with each other. Be it an I-phone, or a Blackberry or an android and maybe even a normal phone, people tend to look at the mobile, waiting for a message or a notification. These days a man’s best friend is not his dog, but his phone. Be it anywhere, you will always find people staring into the screens of their mobiles. Be it on the bus or even in the movie hall, people are always pre-occupied with their phones. There is a saying ‘too much of everything is bad’ and excessive of something is even worse.
The way we have been using our phones these days, has done more harm than good. Some of the health problems which can be caused by excessive use of mobiles are.why mobile phones are bad for our health
Lack of concentration: Studies have found out that people have the tendency of checking their phones for notifications, emails, and photographs regularly. And the frequency at which they check their phones is quite fast. This is a sure shot symptom of lack of concentration. Studies have shown that people who use their mobiles often, their ability to focus reduces greatly.
Increase in stress: People may not realise this, but use of excessive of mobile can lead to a lot of stress, the reason being that you will always be connected to not only your friends and family, but also your colleagues. You expect someone or the other to contact you, which can lead to a lot added stress. People are in a habit of checking their mobiles in the middle of the night, which disturbs the sleep process, leading to more stress.
Eye Problems: Constantly staring at your mobile screen can cause severe damage to your eye sight, one reason being the glare which is emits from the screens of the mobile phones. Another reason why the eye sight gets affected is that the screens of the mobile phones is much smaller than a computer or a television screen, hence people tend to squint when they are viewing something on their mobile phones.
The next one is not a health problem, but because of the use of the mobile phone, the behavioral patterns of the societies have changed, this being the most grave.
Less interaction: If there is a group of people sitting in a room, there is a high chance that most of them will be busy with their mobiles. This has lead to less interaction. Now it has become mandatory to post a selfie of the group with which you are going out with, to post a photograph of the food you eat and of course the location of the place where you are going. Before even entering the place people check –in, click photographs, update their statuses and tell the world that they are leading such happening lives.

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