Ten home workout options for those who cannot go to the gym
This is for people who cannot go to the gym for several reasons, but still wish to train at home. You only need to buy a few pairs of dumbbells, resistance bands, pull ups bar, jumping rope and kettlebells. If you cannot buy any of these… it’s still alright… you can still train with body weight exercises!!! I am writing the following 10 options in random order.
- Rope jumps and variations of it like high knees, reverse, cycling, single leg, etc.
- Plyometrics: For e.g. wide high jumps, narrow high jumps, switch lunges, swinging lunges, straddle jumps, pop/clap pushups
- Exercises like burpees, duck walk, walking lunges holding dumbbells, diagonal lunges, sumo squats, body weight squats or goblet squats using dumbbells, forms of planks, frog jumps, dragon walk, and mountain climber
- If you are a beginner start with knee push- ups. Use chair for what we do in the gym for bench push- ups. Fix a pull-up bar anywhere in your door frame and start with assisted pull ups using a thrust from a chair and coming down in a controlled way gradually building your strength to full pull ups. Use the bar for hanging leg raises
- Use stairs of your building. Climb them, run them, jump, use dumbbells while ascending and descending the stairs.
- Using dumbbells you can do lots of exercises like squats, lunges, step ups (on chair), stiff leg deadlift, shoulder press, lateral raises, rear lateral raises, bent over rows, bicep curls, several tricep exercises etc.
- Fix hooks on your door so that you can use your resistance band and do exercises for chest, back and legs. Check YouTube for various exercises using resistance bands
- Learn Kettlebells. You can contact Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy for help.
- Combine these exercises with each other to make it interesting. You can do 15-20 reps for 4 to 5 sets. Do it for 45 min along with stretches before and after your workout.
- Include yoga for working on your mobility. Or there are several mobility drills and stretches that can help before and after workout
All the exercises mentioned above could be learnt from YouTube videos. So for it and kick start your fitness routine.

Ravindra sakla
January 10, 2015 at 6:57 pm