These days there is a high demand in DSLRS. A number of youngsters have taken up photography as a hobby and quite a few of them have also turned professional. Each year there are entry level DSLRS in 2015 that are quite popular amongst the youth. DSLRs camera have earned the reputation of reliable and competent shooters.
DSLR companies have cashed on these new trends and have started making better and better cameras. The components that they are making are also of top-notch quality. Now a number of companies have come with a wide range of DSLR cameras and lenses.
Here we list the most popular DSLRs in 2015
Nikon D 3300: The entry of Nikon D3300 might mark the beginning of the take over from the previous version of D3200. With 24.3 megapixels and a smooth 1080p video, its performance can be compared to those cameras that might be a little expensive than D3300. Given the package of the whole camera, the photographs are exceptionally sharp. The basic kit lens which comes with the camera (18-55mm) is much lighter than its previous versions. The cost of the camera with the lens kit is Rs 34,950 and Rs29, 450 without the lens.
Nikon D5500: Coming to DX format DSLRs, Nikon D5500 is a good option. It is much more compact and light weight than its previous version D5300. Another update which the Nikon D5500 has is that the screen is a multi-varied touch screen. The image quality of the 5500 can be compared to the much higher DSLRs. This might be an entry level DSLR in 2015 but it can be used by those also who do professional photography.
Cannon EOS 1200D (Rebel T5): The biggest difference between EOS 1200D and its predecessor is of the megapixels. The camera had a huge boost as the camera now comes at an impressive 18.1MP. Another improvement which the camera has comes in the form of its sensor. The camera also comes with a built-in stabilizer, which makes this DSLR really good.