These days a number of people are buying laptops, but the basic problem which everyone faces is that of the battery life. As laptops become old, their battery backup goes down drastically. Here we are going to tell you tips to ensure that your laptop has extended battery life.
Conserve your battery
Lower the brightness: It is a known fact that brighter the laptop screen is the more amount of battery it will drain. Hence, if you want an extended battery life, it is important to lower the brightness of your laptop. It will help to give your laptop battery some extra juice.
Take care of the programs running in the background: Programs such as iTunes or torrent, which are running in the background, tend to add load to the CPU which leads to a reduced battery life. It is important that you close these programs when they are not use, in order to save the battery.
External devices: Not a well known fact, but if you are using an external device, such as a mouse or Wifi or charging your phone or the music player, they will drain up your laptop’s battery like crazy. Always remember use these only when necessary, otherwise the battery will finish much faster than it is intended to.
Hibernate: People usually put their laptops on stand-by mode; no doubt it saves power, but not as much as hibernate. Not only will hibernate the laptop will save its current state; it will also shut itself down.
Avoid Multitasking: When you are working on battery, avoid multi-tasking. Running multiple programs on your laptop, will drain the battery. Concentrate on one thing only.
Optimize your power options: Whenever working on battery, remember to optimize your power options. Go to control the panel and select ‘max battery’. This mode will help you to preserve your laptop’s battery.
The memory effect: This is the most common way the battery gets discharged is when by not discharging the battery fully. This is called the ‘memory effect’. Charge your battery fully and then fully discharging it. Do this once in every three weeks.
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