Are you really having a bad day? looking at these photographs will make you think again?
There are many people across the world who have Monday blues, and for most Mondays are the days, when everything goes wrong. While many of us might be suffering from Monday blues, there are others, who are having more than just a bad day.
Once you see the list you will be glad that your day is not going as bad as them.
1) When you love are absent-minded while baking a cake
2) Using an Apple’s Mc Book in candlelight
3) Being happy that the car did no fell into the water.
4) When you forget that there is a pool behind your car.
5) When wearing torn jeans from thighs becomes too mainstream
6) Ahh well! Just one of those days
7 ) When you are unhappy with the colour of your car seat.
8 ) When you try to hard to be the teacher’s pet
9 ) Best way to secure your bike
10 ) When you love shopping for way too much