Government of India bans more than 800 porn websites
It seems that the Government of India is hell bent on banning a lot of things. A number of things that have been banned by the government and these bans have not gone down well with the people. Starting from the beef ban, there are a number of things that have been banned in various parts of the country and across the nation. The latest being the porn ban
Here we bring you the list of things that have been banned in the country.
Beef Ban: When the government of Maharashtra banned the slaughter of bulls and bullocks, there was a huge hue and cry not just in the country, but also across the nation. Many thought that the reason to ban the slaughter had a religious tone to it. The Maharashtra government faced a lot of backlash because of this. Anyone found with possession of beef will be fined Rs 10,000 and five-year imprisonment.
Books: The book, The Hindus: An Alternative History which was written by scholar Wendy Doniger was banned and withdrawn by the publisher – Penguin House. It was pointed out that the book contained factual errors, which lead to the Delhi High court ordering the book to be withdrawn. It was also pointed out that the Indian mythology was also misinterpreted. The publishers agreed to recall al the books and destroy the books within six months.
NGOs: In the past few months, the BJP government has suspended licenses of 4,470 NGOs. This was done in order to clamp down the foreign funding of these NGOs. International NGO, Greenpeace was at loggerheads with the government as its license was also suspended citing discrepancies in its accounts.
Maggi ban: Recently Maggi was also banned in India after it was found that the units contained lead and MSG beyond the permissible limit. The products were later recalled and destroyed. When this happened, the company reported its first loss in seventeen years.
Films and documentaries: Leslee Udwin’s documentary ran into trouble when it showed the interview of Mukesh Singh, one of the December 16th rapists. The reason for banning the documentary was that it showed India in a bad light. BBC agreed to not to show the documentary in India, but they released it internationally.
Even Fifty Shades of Grey did not release in India, as the Censor board did not certify the film, despite the fact that they had watched the watered down version of the film. Although they officially did not ban the film, the movie wasn’t allowed to be shown in public without the a certificate from the censor board.