Work efficiently with the help of these tips
Imagine this scenario; some or the other issue keeps coming up, which will eventually lead to a delay in your work. There are thousands of things which you have to take care of but are unable to do so. What happens after this is that you start working reactively rather than proactively. This leads to a huge loss in productivity of any individual. Things will be delayed unnecessarily and you don’t want that to happen in your workplace.
Here we will give you a few tips and habits which you can develop and help you become pro-active:
Make a list on Monday– In order to get your work done through the week, make sure you have made a list of all the important things to do. This will help you to concentrate better on the other things in the office. Basically, it will help you de-clutter your mind.
Prioritise your work – It is very important to prioritise things. Make a list of things which need your immediate attention or are needed to be done immediately.
Keep sometime to reply to emails – One way how you can minimize your mail time is by taking out time to answer to e-mails. Scan your e-mail in the morning or lunch and reply to them in the time you have allotted to yourself. If the mail comes in your priority list then do it immediately. Be flexible enough to accommodate changes without any disruption.
Divide big projects into small ones – When it comes to handling big projects, people tend to procrastinate a lot. The best way to handle a big project is by breaking it into smaller projects. This way you will take care of one issue at a time. This will also add to your efficiency.
Do not over think – Overthinking is the single largest factor which leads to delay in completion of projects or any kind of work. If there is an e-mail which needs your immediate response then do it immediately, don’t think too much. The e-mail might take just 5 minutes to respond, but if you over think then it can take up to 30 minutes.