Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat informed that the state will have a new department which will only take care of and strengthen the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise sector in the hill state. Rawat has stated that the MSME sector in Uttrakhand is capable enough to generate self-employment opportunities even in the remote regions of the state. This move is also done in order to gradually put the large-scale migration to the plains in search of livelihood to a stop. Although, the new MSME policy has been brought into force, in order to fully reap the benefits of it and implement it – a collective effort needs to be put in. A separate department is being constituted, in order to strengthen the MSME sector in the state. This will also play a major role in eliminating the poverty in the state apart from blocking the exodus from the remote regions. Traditional forms of crafts such as carpet and shawl weaving will also be given emphasis, rather these crafts will be revived in order to generate employment and strengthen the MSME sector.
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