Few signs which help you understand women better.
It is a true fact that most men have a difficult time understanding women. They are unable to tell whether the girl is interested in them or not. Because of this reason, a number of men are afraid to make the first move because they fear rejection. They prefer to remain in the friend zone rather than ask the question and start dating.
Here we are going to tell you about a few tips that will help you know that whether the girl is interested in you or not.
She will dress up every time you guys meet: when you guys are going out even for a small thing such as coffee, she will dress up. She will pick up her hottest outfit and wear it for the meeting. You might notice that she has taken that extra effort to look pretty for the coffee date with you.
Wants to go to a quiet place: The fact that she wants to go to a quiet place is a sign that she is interested in you. She wants to a go to a romantic place and wants to spend time with you. This also means that she is comfortable with you.
Laughs at you lame jokes too: You know that your jokes aren’t good enough; they aren’t even funny,yet she laughs at them as though nothing else can be funnier. If you are sitting with friends and you crack a joke and she is the only one laughing, you should figure it out easily that she is interested in you.
Keeps eye contact for a long time: Women usually do not like maintain eye contact with those people whom they do not like. The fact that she is going out with you and enjoys spending time with you is a sure shot sign that she is into you. If you happen to notice repeated eye contact that means that she is interested in you. If both of you are maintaining the eye contact for longer periods, that means that something is brewing between the two of you.
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