Sex shouldn’t be boring – ever.
Here are 10 tips to better sex that are going to leave you gasping for more…
Learn to Talk Dirty
Moans and sighs (Oh! Oh !) are easy. It’s the dirty dialogue that really puts a triple-X stamp on your sex sessions. “Talking dirty heightens the whole experience, keeps you both present, and turns you on even more,” says sex expert Candida Royalle, author of How to Tell a Naked Man What to Do. “Plus, men actually like being told what to do in bed because it helps them get it right.”
Keep your heels on
Next time you seduce him, keep your heels on. You might need to adjust positions to make sure he doesn’t get hurt, but with that extra height, you’ll have many more available to try anyway, and he’ll be driven mad at the sight of your long legs. It’ll remind him of quick, secret sex, and really turn him on.
Ignore Your Instincts
That stereotype that men are the only ones who crave something new in bed is so false. In fact, research shows women are even more likely to want sexual novelty, says relationship expert Wendy Walsh, Ph.D., author of The 30-Day Love Detox.. Satisfy the urge by doing something totally outside your sexual script, like making a sex bucket list, getting busy in every room but your bedroom, having sex before work in the morning, or even heading to a hotel for a distraction-free hookup.
Touch Her Everywhere (with Oil)
“Sensual touching releases a powerful sex hormone called oxytocin, which increases a woman’s testosterone levels and ignites her sex drive. The seductive silky feel of oil being rubbed on skin is a turn-on for more passionate sex — for both.”
—Carol Cassell, Ph.D, former president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Western Region
No talking, only touching
Agree to spend an evening using only body language to get your amorous intentions across. You’ll discover a new level of touch.
Create a Mood — Turn the Lights Down
“For women to get aroused, parts of their brains associated with stress and anxiety need to de-activate, according to neurological studies in the Netherlands. If women aren’t relaxed, they’re not going to enjoy sex. So dim the lights and share a fantasy. A Harvard study found that when you hug a woman longer than thirty seconds, it increases her oxytocin levels and anticipation of sex,” says sex therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of She Comes First.
Slip into a Naughty Costume
To infuse your sex sessions with more attitude, sometimes all it takes is looking the part of a true temptress. “One of the ways a woman can really show off her sexuality is by playing up different sides of her erotic personality,” explains Jamye Waxman, author of Getting Off.
Take Turns
Make foreplay more fun by turning it into a giver-and-receiver game, says Kerner. Decide how much time to spend on each person, and take turns doing whatever you or your partner wants. Then switch. Bonus: Pleasing your partner can turn you on even more.
Get a little rough
Bring out his caveman side by being gently rough with him. Scratch his chest lightly, or gently bite his shoulder… remember that you aren’t meaning to cause pain or discomfort, simply to show him how much you want him, and awaken the primal, caveman part of him. A recent men’s study showed that men wish women would be more physical in bed, even if it hurt them!
Get stroked
Sexy moments can strike when you least expect them. So seize the chance to spice up a night on the couch. “Have him use his fingertips to slowly, gently caress your skin,” suggests sex therapist Gloria Brame, Ph.D. “The light, sensual touch creates a tingling sensation that will wake up your body while also relaxing you for sex.”