Stay single, stay happy
One of the most underrated things in today’s world is being single. There are a number of advantages of being single and here we are going to tell you about those advantages. We are not saying that being in a relationship is bad, but being single is so much better.

Saving money – The best thing about being single is that you will have the money to yourself. You can save the money and buy the things which you want.
Saving on time– Time, these days is in short supply and it is essential to spend your time productively. You don’t have to call someone and tell him or her about your location. Also, you are not living in a compulsion of constantly calling people day and night.
Spend time with friends – Unless and until you have an understanding partner, it will be really difficult for you to spend time with your friends. When single, you can spend time with your friends drinking away the night and enjoying yourself. There are no restrictions as such.

Answerable to no one – The best aspect of being single is that you are answerable to no one. You are not worried about someone checking you mobiles phone or your computer history. You can be yourself and not think about anyone else
Independent – You are not dependent on anyone to make your life decisions. Your life is yours and you are the one who has to make the decisions for it.

Planning for dates – Everyone shudders at the thought of going for a date. If you are single, then you do not have to worry about it
Not worrying about the next step – We are at an age where most of our friends are thinking about the next step in the relationship and are worried, but we are not.
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