Electrifying Goa: DJ – The Elektrovertz
DJ duo Nina Shah and Malika Haydon give Abraxas NU an insight into their DJ’ing career, life and much more!
Did your families support your choice of career?
They were very supportive and have always encouraged us to follow our passions.
The Elektrovertz, where did the name come from? How did both of you come together?
We are family friends. We practically grew up together. Since we both had the same interests and passion for music, we decided to make it our lifestyle, and hence called ourselves The Elektrovertz. Weare like sisters – family bonds are the strongest.
When did you both start DJ’ing? Who were you influenced by?
We started djing professionally around four years ago. Our influences have been MarcoCarola Waff, Seth Troxler, Chicane, Tale of us.
What was the turning point in your career?
Last year when we went to Ibiza we discovered a whole new world in music. And this year we are releasing our first track ‘Big Bang’ on the 18th November. Super excited.
What are currently your main challenges as a DJ? What’s an interesting fact about DJ’ing?
People not thinking we are serious because of the way we look. The interesting thing about DJ’ing is connecting with live audiences. What’s more interesting than people?
DJ’ing is still a male dominated profession, what are the major hurdles you both faced while starting off?
There were a lot of disbelievers. Most professions are male dominated but thankfully that’s slowly changing.
How important is itto build a real relationship with the music you are playing? There’s so much music out there,is it even possible to build meaningful long-term relationship with a particular track or album?
It’s not so important. Attachment only holds you back from evolving.
You have a good fan base. Which are your happiest and creepiest fan moments?
The happiest would be this year in Barcelona where we were recognised by 3 fans. It’s always nice to be recognised internationally!We don’t want to comment on the creepiest moment.
When was the first time you visited Goa? What are your views on the party scene in Goa?
The first time was when we were kids – we came with our families for a summer vacation. The party scene in Goa is unlike any other party destination we’ve been to. There’s something about Goa that puts you into a care-free open liberated space. It’s magic!People outside Goa have this misconception that Goa is only good for bikini beaches, rave parties, alcohol and drugs. What are your comments on this?
For us it’s not about those things. It’s about being one with nature; connecting with your inner self; and enjoying the delicious local cuisine especially fish curry. We love the jungle-y village vibe. Footloose and fancy free.
Which other places have you both played in?
We have played in Australia, London, Mexico, Istanbul, Barcelona, Ibiza, Geneva, Dubai, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.
Could you give us small sneak peek into your future plans?
Produce and release. We have our first one coming out this Nov 18th; don’t miss the ‘Big Bang’!
Do you think there’s scope for DJ’ing as a career in India? Do you have any message for upcoming female DJ’s?
Music is a universal language which is not prejudicedagainst cast or creed. Everyone needs music. So yes, we do believe that there’s scope for DJs in India. To the many girls like us out there, always follow your dreams even if people say it can’t be done!