We are back again with the second series of memorable moments from Star Wars films.
These moments are from Episodes I, II and III.
Anakin’s Pod race (Episode I, The Phantom Menace): The first major sequence which wowed the fans of Star Wars after a decade was the Pod race, in which Anakin wins his freedom. We are sure that throughout the sequence the fans must have had their hearts in their mouths; it was so intense. Little Anakin was against the best and meanest bunch of Pod Racers and in the end he won the race. The Pod Race sequence also showed that he was force sensitive.
Mace Windu beheads Jango Fett (Episode II, The Attack of the Clones): We are introduced to the clones in the battle of Geonosis. This is where Jango Fett takes down the Reek with one shot, and he does that in a very cool fashion, but seconds later when he confronts Mace Windu he is beheaded by the Jedi Master. What is moving about this seen is that Jango’s son Bob witnesses his father being beheaded by Windu. This results in never ending grudge.
Order 66 (Episode III, Revenge of the Sith): A lot of people were moved when Order 66 was given. The clones had been fighting alongside the Jedi generals against the separatists throughout the clone war. When they were given the order, with a handful of exceptions almost all the clones executed the Jedis without a second thought. It was heart wrenching.
Anakin turning to the Dark Side (Episode III, Revenge of the Sith): “No Anakin no, don’t do that”. This is what most of us would have thought when we saw Anakin going to the Dark Side and preventing Mace Windu from killing Emperor Palpatine. His intervention not only saves the emperor but also gets Mace Windu killed. The sad part is that Anakin realises that what he has done is wrong and the whole balance of the universe has suddenly changed.
Battle of Mufasa between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan-Kenobi (Episode III, Revenge of the Sith): For a lot of us this is the greatest battle in the Star Wars movies; more than Ben-Kenobi and Darth Vader and more than Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. It is a battle of epic proportions. Obi-Wan knows that Anakin has turned over to the dark side and tries his best to bring him back, but that doesn’t happen Anakin, on the other hand, is blind with rage and is hell bent on killing Obi-Wan. Eventually, Obi-Wan defeats Anakin but doesn’t kill him. He leaves on the shores of the Lava river. More Upcoming –watch kung fu panda 3 Full movie online
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