Looking for more adventure?
These days a lot of people like to go for adventure sports such as parasailing, rafting, bungee jumping and other such adventure sports. Agreed that these are thrilling sports, but there are certain sports which are even more thrilling, and some of them have a tendency to go wrong too. But then again there are those who like to go a notch higher.
Here we bring you a list of few, yet extremely dangerous sports.
Free solo climbing: Mountain and rock climbing is as it is dangerous, and doing it without any support harness or any other safety gear is even more dangerous. One of the best places to do a free solo climb is the Half Dome. It is a 2,224-foot high rock face at Yosemite National Park. It takes a number of days to climb the wall with equipment, and it will surely take up more days without it. Not to mention it will be more dangerous. If you are attempting to do a free solo climb, make sure you have put magnesium on your hands, as it will prevent your hands to sweat. Even a drop of sweat on your fingers can cause you to lose your grip.
Wing Suit flying: If you want to fly like superman, then wingsuit flying is probably the closest you can ever come to. But you can’t pick up the sport like this. It is said that you have do sky diving at least 200 times before the fear of crashing and dying is eliminated. The adrenalin rush which you get from this sport is something which not many people can handle. One of the best places to do wingsuit flying is the Eiger in Switzerland which stands almost 4000 metres above sea level.
Running of the Bulls: This is perhaps one of the easiest available adrenalin sport which we you can take up since it does not require any kind of equipment, except strong legs and an equally strong rear. It is one the most popular sport in Spain. It is also one of the most dangerous sport. You also need to have nerves of steel, as not everyone can digest the sight of a herd of bulls running towards you. Life might give you a second chance, a bull won’t.
Cave diving at Belize: Cave diving is something which can bring out fears that were even unknown to you. Diving into the unknown, that also under water can play havoc in one’s mind. It is also one the most dangerous sports in the world. Many divers have fearlessly dived into these underwater caves and never come out. Some of the limestone formations in the caves date from the Ice Age period, hence there is a possibility that you might find fossils, and if not those then probably some unfortunate diver’s remains.
Crocodile Bungee Jumping, Zambezi river, Australia: As the name suggests, the sport includes doing a bungee jump into the water which is infested by crocodiles. Jumping from a height and straight into the mouth of a hungry crocodile takes a lot of guts.
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