MSMEs get major assistance from Alibaba and ICICI Bank
In a new development for MSMEs, ICICI Bank has partnered with online portal Alibaba, an online platform which deals with the global trade to launch a trade facilitation centre. This trade centre will help to provide easier trade fiancé to the MSMEs in India.
This collaboration will help all the entrepreneurs who are members of Alibaba to get a quick access to a plethora of business services from ICICI banks such as business loans, cash management solutions, foreign exchange transactions, bank guarantees and cross-border remittances. All this will be in addition to the privileges and discounts that have been already provided by the bank.
With this collaboration, the online portal aims to offer the members special schemes across their entire services which range from accounts, letter of credit, bank guarantees, remittance forex, loans and cash management solutions.
The online portal has also enabled for its members to enjoy batter rates and discounts on ICICI Bank’s products and services.
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