If you are spending too much time with your phone, then we advice you against it. Use of excess of mobile phone will not only be harmful for your health, it will also have adverse effects on your relationship. You might have met your loved one through one of the several dating apps, but it doesn’t mean that you spend most of your time glued to your mobile phone, give her time instead. Here we bring you a list of reasons why your mobile phone can ruin your relationship.
Not enough texting: Most of the girls tend to be over possessive, and expect you to text them regularly. Maybe she is insecure or maybe she is genuinely worried about your whereabouts. Whatever the reasons be if you don’t text her frequently, you are upsetting her. So try and avoid this mistake. Lack of a response usually means lack of interest hence, the insecurity.
Or texting too much: You see the problem, don’t you? Even overtly texting can lead to a rift in the relationship. This time she will think that you are invading her privacy and are becoming too over-possessive. The trick is too balance it out between the two. Don’t invade her privacy, but also give her enough time so that she doesn’t feel left out. A recent study has shown that the most unhappy couples are those who text each other frequently.
The Third Wheel: If you are constantly on your phone even in her presence, she will feel like the third wheel. This should not be the case; no one likes to be the third wheel. If you are constantly on your phone, it will be a distraction. Since you are connected to social media through your phone, it will interrupt your conversation or activities, if any, you are having/doing with your girlfriend. These types of interruptions have a negative impact on a relationship, so avoid them if you want a healthy and a long lasting relationship.
No serious stuff over text: If you want to discuss something serious with your girlfriend, then please don’t do it over text. Talk to her over the phone or meet her in person. Texting about it can have adverse effects on your relationship. If you text her about serious things, then she might think that you are trying to avoid a verbal confrontation with her.
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